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Wednesday, January 5, 2022


This study aims to develop Hybrid Learning based on the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) application in the Arabic Proficiency Test (APT) program. The method used was Research and Development with the ADDIE instructional design model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate), with development stages (concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing and distribution). The results showed that the development of Hybrid Learning based on CAT application can be used in the Arabic Proficiency Test (APT) program which contains three language competency tests,(istima, tarakib and Qira’ah) and fulfills several aspects; 1) Self Instructional, 2) Self Instructional, 3) Self Contained, 4) Standalone, 5) User Friendly, and 6) Adaptive to technological developments. The results of the CAT-APT application trial in a limited group obtained a score of 80 (good) to 88 (very good), in the media validation test the score was 80 (good) to 86 (very good), the programming validation test and a score of 80 (good) to 88 (very good), while in the testing on the tester, the pretest score had not yet reached the advanced level, while in the posttest there were 9 testers who reached the advanced score.

Link Pdf https://journal.iaingorontalo.ac.id/index.php/tjmpi/article/view/2063

The Effect of Inter-Religious Tolerance Development on Students in Gorontalo City


  • Ibnu Rawandhy N. Hula, Fatimah Djafar, Mujahid Damopolii, Ana Mariana, Abdul RohmanIAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo, UIN Walisongo Semarang

  • Abstract

This study describes tolerance among religious communities and intolerant behavior in students. It also tests the hypothesis of whether there is a significant influence between fostering tolerance among religious communities and heterogeneous student behavior in the formal educational institutions in Gorontalo City. The study used quantitative research with a correlation method through a simple regression. Data were collected using a closed questionnaire, which involved 67 students. This study showed that there is a significant influence between fostering religious tolerance and intolerant behavior of students. This influence is shown by the regression coefficient number of F-count 115.577 with a significance level of 5% (F-table = 3.99). Besides, the value of determination (R Square) = 0,640 illustrates that tolerance among religious communities has a high effect on the tolerance behavior of students. Thus, it can be stated that 64% of the students’ tolerance behavior is affected by the religious communities’ tolerance, and the rest (36%) is influenced by other factors.

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AL-QAWAID AL-SITTAH DALAM RASM AL-MUSHAF (Six Rules of Rasm and the Uniqueness in Qur'an)


This study examines the six rules and their uniqueness in the writing of the Qur'an, which consists of the following rules: 1) al-Hazf, 2) al-Ziyadah, 3) al-Ibdal, 4) al-Hamazat, 5) al-Wasl and al-Fasl, dan 6) Fihi Qira’atani wa Kutiba ‘ala Ihdahuma. The method used is library research, through descriptive analysis techniques, by identifying, classifying, tabulating, analyzing, and describing. The results showed that 1) al-Qawaid al-Sittah has six basic principles in the science of writing and copying letters, words, and their diacritical marks in manuscripts. These six rules have various passages in some of their orthography; namely: a) alif, ya, waw, lam, nun, on al-hazf, b) alif, ya and waw on al-ziyadah, c) alif derive from ya, alif derive from waw and alif whose origin is unknown on rules al-ibdal, d) according to the rule of al-wasl and fasl, each of them has 17 agreed on words, they are disputed and even excluded, e) in the hamazat rule, the location of a letter affects the form of writing, such as hamzah at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word f) Rasm is also influenced by qira'at and can choose one of them in writing it. 2) The differences in writing are dominated by reasons, references, and writing patterns which generally refer to the madhzab with their respective references, namely: 1) Al-Dani with the book al-muqni and 2) Abu Dawud with the book al-tabyin, or madhzab other than the two. 3) In the aspect of exception (mustasnayat) and its uniqueness, it can be seen in the aspect of al-Iqtisar, whose writing patterns are diverse and cannot be equated. 

Link Artikel Download PDF 

Citasi Google Scholar 
Hula, Ibnu Rawandhy N., and Amrah Kasim. "AL-QAWAID AL-SITTAH DALAM RASM AL-MUSHAF (Six Rules of Rasm and the Uniqueness in Qur'an)." A Jamiy: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Arab 10.2 (2021): 385-418.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Tafsir Tarbawi: Analisis Bahasa dan Sastra al-Qur'an dalam Surah Luqman

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap interpretasi tarbawi>, sebagai salah satu fitur / interpretasi yang didekati oleh analisis bahasa dan sastra. Objek penelitiannya diperiksa dari Surat Luqman ayat 12 sampai 19, yang umumnya mengandung pesan dan nilai-nilai pendidikan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan, dengan membaca, mencatat, mengidentifikasi isi teks Surah Luqman dan kemudian menganalisisnya dari tiga aspek ,, 1) analisis bahasa / lugawi> , 2) analisis literatur / bala> gi> dan 3 ) analisis nilai pendidikan / tarbawi>. 

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Salah satu keunikan penulisan al-Quran adalah adanya penambahan huruf alif pada sebuah kata, sehingga penulisannya berbeda dengan penulisan konvensional (imlai). Salah satunya yang terdapat pada surah al-Kahfi ayat 23. Dan jika dibandikan dengan kata yang sama pada ayat lain, penulisan kata (شيء)  tidak dibubuhi tambahan huruf alif. Tentu ini salah satu keunikan rasm mushaf yang perlu dianalisis untuk mendapatkan jawaban ilmiah.

Tulislah jawaban dan analisis anda masing-masing pada kolom komentar!,
Jawaban anda sebagai bukti kehadiran anda😅
Selamat Mengerjakan. 💪



Buku ini sangat bagus bagi para mahasiswa, yang ingin mendalami tentang kaidah-kaidah imla' beserta teori dan latihannya. Buku ini sangat sederhana namun cukup sempurnah dalam menyajikan teori-teori dasar menulis huruf arab dengan berbagai macam kasusnya.

Monday, March 30, 2020


Kata (لقاء) di dalam al-Quran disebutkan sebanyak 17 Kali, namun memiliki dua bentuk penulisan, yakni 15 kali ditulis dalam bentuk (لقاء) dan 2 kali ditulisan dalam bentuk (لقائ) dengan membubuhkan huruf ya. Dua model tulisan ini kebanyakan dalam posisi mansub dan majrur, dan tidak ditemukan dalam posisi marfu’,  namun yang menarik untuk dianalisis adalah mengapa kata tersebut berbeda dalam penulisan>?, padahal jika dibaca tidak ada perbedaan.


Kata Ibrahim (إبراهيم) disebutkan sebanyak 69 kali dalam al-Quran dan terdapat dalam 25 surah. Dari jumlah itu kata ibrahim terbanyak disebutkan pada surah al-Baqarah, yakni sebanyak 15 kali. 

Yang unik dalam penulisanya al-Quran, kata Ibrahim (إبراهيم) semuanya ditulis tanpa Ya (hadzf Ya), sedangkan di surah lain ditulis dengan ya (Itsbat Ya)...padahal kita mengetahui bahwa jika disebutkan kata ibrahim hanya merujuk pada satu nama Nabi, yakni bapaknya nabi Ismail.

Friday, March 27, 2020


Artikel ilmiah yang baik adalah artikel ilmiah yang memenuhi syarat keilmiahan, yang secara umum dapat dilihat dari beberapa Aspek, diantaranya: 1) Konten Isi Tulisan, 2) Ketepatan Tulisan, 3) Kebermanfaatan Tulisan....untuk menilai artikel ilmiah dapat dilihat pada daftar di bawah ini.  

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